Tag: history

“Hiuen-Tsiang visits Nalanda monastery in ancient India”, by L. Cranmer-Byng

Jean-Paul Belmondo– New Wave icon and action star

Excerpts from Mussolini’s romance novel

“The Ethics of Living Jim Crow” (1937) by Richard Wright

Freud and the language of power

Grant Allen and «The Woman Who Did»

Teaching history in the Gambia

“Gibran: a Voyage and a Vision”, by Ghali Shukri

“Eastern European Audiences Rebel Against Boredom”, by P. Landy (1956)

Hoover’s archive, a treasure trove for biographers

The great conspiracy against Kwame Nkrumah

New light on the mystery of Angkor Wat

“All About Alice”, by Anthony Burgess

The secrets of Mayan literature

Zhou Daguan describes ancient Angkor at its peak