Tag: literature

How Judge Bao traced the footsteps of a spirit

Boston Blackie: The Price of Principle

Celebrity Mourning

Was Agatha Christie really an original writer?

Lewis Shiner on Philip K. Dick

Remembering the first textbook in Postcolonial Studies

Margie Harris: Queen of the Gangsters

Cory Doctorov examines fanfiction

Grant Allen and «The Woman Who Did»

“Gibran: a Voyage and a Vision”, by Ghali Shukri

“Eastern European Audiences Rebel Against Boredom”, by P. Landy (1956)

“Freedom and Art”, by W.H. Auden

A talk with Abdelilah Hamdouchi, the master of Moroccan noir

“All About Alice”, by Anthony Burgess

Beyond Babel, by Arthur C. Clarke