The purpose of this radio stream is not provide you with definite answers, but to inspire interest in subjects related to literature and history, as well a little entertainment. If you as a listener then go off and consult other sources more in line with what you require or want, then my job is done. My choice of programs is – like all things in life – limited by resources and circumstances.
The radio stream is filled with the best drama of yesteryears, as well as some new bold dramatizations. There are audio discussions of major writers, as well as interviews with specialists. In the fiction pages of the blog there are scribblings by a diverse crowd, even an occasional piece of fiction by yours truly. My latest publication is Antiquity Resurrected: Ancient Greece & Rome by Old Writers (ISBN: 978-8785262004)
As for my political convictions, I am a former member of a moderate Norwegian left wing-party (a Democrat or liberal in the US). However, I will try to remain neutral and factual. My name is Michael Wynn, and I have a small translation business at Indieauthor.me.
You can reach me at historyradioorg(at)gmail.com .
Because I am alone in the running of the site and radio stream, I have sometimes lost oversight. I am trying to fix this. On my “Previous” page you can see the copyright status of some shows. I plan to include copyright info in the titles of all shows. I also plan to be more transparent concerning all sources. This is an educational radio run by an English and history teacher, not a site with rources for investigative journalism. I am also making an effort to include more social history, and more stories from outside the anglo-saxon world.
Most of the content published in the stream is either public domain or released under a creative commons licence. Many respected institutions release educational material under a creative commons licence to promote public knowledge of various subjects. This means that they allow both free distribution of their content and modification – as long as you do do not profit commercially from what you are doing. It does not mean that any of them have any affiliation to sites/streams like historyradio.org, which make use of their content. They also require that you give them credit, and that the terms I have mentioned are made clear.
If you have comments about the site or the stream, send me an email. Please do not contact me by phone. I will answer any email request, if I am able. But I prefer to keep a written record of my business.